본문 영역 바로가기 언어변경, 사이트맵 영역 바로가기




- Respect -

We respect
the competitive market
according to the principle
of free competition
and achieve sound
corporate culture



Human, Environment, Moving forward for Sustainable Management

We are practising our management philosophy, 'Pursue happiness through coexistence' and leading the culture of sharing by contributing to mutual growth with client companies, cooperative companies, executives and staffs, and also regional communities.

  • Ethics

    [ MK Code of Ethics ]

    We, at MK, value corporate social responsibility, act in accordance with fair standards in business activities to obtain customer value and trust, and declare that we will not accept any results that deviate from this principle. The high level of ethics that we observe is achieved naturally by a healthy corporate culture that is built on the voluntary participation of each employee, rather than the rules stated in the written text, and is inherited as a beautiful tradition.

    Principle 1. We comply with all laws and ethical standards
    Principle 2. We carry out our duties honestly and fairly, based on high ethical awareness and sincerity.
    Principle 3. We always consider our customers' values with our best products and services.
    Principle 4. We respect shareholder value by realizing sustainable profits through efficient management.
    Principle 5. We respect free market competition, go head-to-head fairly with our competitors, and do not infringe on the interests of the rivals or exploit their weaknesses.
    Principle 6. We pursue win-win results by maintaining mutual trust and cooperation through transparent business in equal terms with suppliers in accordance with the principle of live-and-let-live.
    Principle 7. We contribute to community development through voluntary community service.
    Principle 8. We pride ourselves on our job and become the best experts in this industry.
    Principle 9. We maintain the dignity, do not commit any misconduct, and give priority to company when we do business.
  • [윤리강령]

    주식회사 엠케이켐앤텍의 경영이념인 “중용지도를 통한 상생문화의 창출”의 실천이 곧 기업의 사회적 책임을 완수하는 것임을 인식하여 윤리적이고 합법적으로 직무를 수행하고 상생의 거래질서를 확립하여 깨끗하고 투명한 기업문화를 만드는데 최선을 다한다.

    하나, 모든 임직원은 고객을 위한 끊임없는 가치 창출을 통해 고객의 무조건적 신뢰를 확보한다.
    둘, 모든 임직원은 거래에 있어 관계 법규를 성실히 준수하여 공정한 거래질서 확립을 통한 경쟁 우위확보를 지향한다.
    셋, 모든 임직원은 자유 경쟁 원칙에 따라 투명하고 공정한 거래를 통해 상호신뢰의 관계를 구축함으로써 협력회사와의 공동 발전을 추구한다.
    넷, ㈜엠케이켐앤텍은 합리적인 사업 전개를 통해 건실한 기업으로 성장함으로써 국가와 사회의 풍요로운 발전을 위해 공헌한다.
    다섯, 모든 임직원은 정직과 공정의 신념으로 올바른 가치관을 확립하여 끊임없는 자기 계발과 공정한 직무수행을 통해 주어진 사명을 완수한다
    여섯, 모든 임직원은 본 윤리 강령 준수를 통해 성실하고 올바른 직무자세와 생활태도로 회사의 신뢰와 품위를 높인다.



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